◯✽◯ஜ~petals▣ 花びら 桜▣lParasol...ol..ol..Lanvin.◯✽◯Christian Louboutin

~女の子は2つの大切な事をもっていなければなりません。上品 で 素晴らしい 
~ココ シャネル~

Je ne sais rien de lui Et pourtant je le vois. Son nom m’est familier Et je connais sa voix.
 Souvent dans mon sommeil Je croise son visage. Son regard et l’amour
 Ne font plus qu’une image. Il a cette beauté  Des hommes romantiques.
 Du divin Raphaël, le talent imité, Une philosophie D’esprit démocratique, Et du poète enfin La rime illimitée. Je pourrais te parler De ses yeux, de ses mains. Je pourrais    te parler De lui jusqu’à demain.
Son amour, c’est ma vie Mais à quoi bon rêver ?L’illusion de l’amourN’est pas l’amour trouvé. Est-il près, est-il loin Est-il à Rochefort ? Je le rencontrerai
 Car je sais qu’il existe.Bien plus que la raison Le cœur est le plus fort, A son ordre, à sa loi Personne ne résiste.32 Et je n’y ésisterai pas.
                                         細かい作業も きっと全ての職業はしないのですが、透明とか・・・」でもnailartistさまたちは本当に芸術! 色彩お客様のご要望、お勉強、女性の希望を叶えて 実際は繊細な作業で、身体も脳も使うだろうな・・・ と尊敬しています。勿論全ての御仕事に尊敬できないものなんてないと思っています。だって、 お金を稼ぐとゆう作業に辛さは付きものだから。 だから、全てに感謝したり、 ゆって下さる方に感謝
 とても素敵なサイト!素敵な人たち サイドLINKから飛べます☆母の日にもいいですよね?

fashionは五感。第6感・・・これは奇跡 Tendances de la mode de la rue, la règle des cinq"五のルールがあり・・・
2012 年4月14日(土)に
プロデュース : ヘッズ 山本宇一氏
とっても行きたいです☆代官山にフェミニティとエレガンスに満ちた、 おしゃれな生活を送りたい…。

優しい色彩にこだわって、心地よいものだけを……。                                                     素敵なコンセプトですね☆   ルブタン❤                
 MIU MIU のワンピース   タイミングは逃してはならないこと
LOOK BOOKや春服・・・。 
 ♥ ♥•.¸♬ (˘❥˘ )*。⋆♥ ♥ 
大切な物ほど傷つけてしまうもの だから・・・・
                                    ダイヤモンドなんて早々見つからないので、 そのタイミングをきっと人々は逃さない様生きたいと 願うのでしょう。 A real relationship has: fights, trust,
faith, tears, pain, argument, patience,                                                                        
                 secrets, jealousy and love.
                     本当の関係は             戦い、 信頼、 涙、 尊敬  、痛み、引数、 忍耐、    秘密 、嫉妬と愛を。。。共に
愛情、人間愛、友情、動物  や生 きっとなんでもそうなの かもと。   学びました。     
          人生のパートナーはきっと 信じる事を・・・許すことを・・
守る事も・・・ 信じてみる事も・・・

捜し続ければ 必ず …お互いの 

Quidam de Revel is an incredible by appointment only vintage 
shop specializing in clothing from Roger Vivier, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Hermes, Pucci, Dior, Lanvin, Biba, and Ossie Clarck. If you can get in the door you are in for a sublime treat!

In 2007 Repetto celebrated their 60th Anniversary with much fanfare and are known worldwide. They canstill be found at the original address...
                                 22 rue de la Paix
.Most of you have probably heard of it and some have probably shopped there. Maybe you have been, like me, drooling in front of the vitrine, or maybe it is new to you. Either way, once you have experienced it, you will agree, there is nothing quite like it!This gorgeous little gem is one of my favorite haunts in Paris. The windows are always glorious little pieces of heaven and the ballet flats are any chic girls' best fashion accessory. I've worn out plenty of pairs on the streets of Paris! :)
Here is a little bit about the brand and the woman behind it. In 1999 Jean-Marc Gaucher takes over Repetto and strives to breath new life into it.
Since then, Repetto has partnered with many brands and in 2005 made their One Millionth pair of ballerinas.

ポワントシューズ - トップビュー

今季リサちゃんとお揃いが多い!ルルやスレトシス 2012ss
Kittyは海外でも大人気 パパラッチ!
Dior Paris

22歳のデザイナージャンヌ時フランスで最古のクチュールハウスが生まれたランバンは、パリの名門通りにブティックをオープンしましたデュ フォブールサンサントノーレ

1909年に、同国への誘導Syndicat ·デ ·ラ·クチュールは、非常に尊敬されたファッションハウスとしての地位を確認した。2001年以来、イスラエルのデザイナーの下でアルバー Elbazのクリエイティブディレクション、ずっと希望ランバンが活性化されており、それが今では絶妙なエレガンスの縮図であると付属品は完全にこれを反映する:息を呑むほど美しい真珠とリボンのネックレス、あなたの外観を変換するために設定するスタイリッシュな木製のかかとを期待。



This was the introduction ad for Lanvin's signature fragrance Arpege in 1927. The ad was inspired by her young daughter practicing her scales on the piano. I just love Lanvin accessories.


BB  60"s


The Christian Louboutin website !!! Okay, so it officially launched on January 29th, but I've been out of the loop lately and a little behind. It is fun, whimsy, and fabulous! Just like his shoes. I'm in love...with at least 30 pairs. *sigh*
From the Times I was actually inspired to go look at the sight after reading Kelli's latest fabulous post at A Rendez~Vous With Style. She talks about Louboutin's Marie~Antoinette inspired collection. What could be better than that, Marie~Antoinette, shoes, and a French designer? It sounds heavenly to me! Thanks Kelli! A poke around her site is so much fun! I especially love all of the Parisian tidbits and vintage finds! She is a girl after my own heart!


The man and Legend~Christian Louboutin
Photo from the NY Times

The website was launched with a huge party in Paris (I wonder if the gift bags included a pair of shoes)? They set the city ablaze with fireworks and partied all night long. Louboutin was quoted saying that "dawn never looked so beautiful in Paris".

A Louboutin Boutique
The site is creative and fun! From the shoe collection with categories labeled as Total Madness and Extremely High Heels there is no shortage of eye candy! The section Louboutin World showcases the designers life story and gossip and press about the line and the designer as well as the Loubi blog! I love it. This must be what heaven looks like :)
Ny Times showcasing the Ribbon shoe! The inception of Louboutin's trademark red sole is somewhat vague, but it seems that he was inspired to paint the sole of his shoe red after seeing an assistant painting her nails (red) while he was working on a shoe design. He immediately seized the bottle of nail polish and painted it directly on to the sole of the (prototype) shoe. Being pleased with the effect, he originally planned to paint all of his shoes with different coloured soles, however, after seeing the popularity of the red soled shoe he abandoned this idea, and allowed the red sole to become his signature.~Excerpt from Wikipedia

At the Rodarte show
I have yet to purchase a pair of these gorgeous shoes and in this economy think it might be a while before I do but it is so fun to look! Everybody needs a dose of luxury no matter what! Even if it is via the net :) Enjoy your dose for the day!



❤Bon  Voyage❤